pp108 : Controls


This topic provides information about controls available in Process Platform XForms.

Controls are the interface entities that are used to perform specific actions in an XForm. The XForms Toolbox tab displays the controls available in XForms. To add a control to an XForm, drag it from the Toolbox tab to the XForm. A placeholder appears to help you position controls. Alternately, double-click the control to add it to the XForm. You can define the run-time behavior of a control by setting its properties in its property sheet.

Table 1. Controls in Process Platform XForms

Control Constituent Interface Elements Additional Interface Elements
AppPalette AppPalette, Region -
Artifact Viewer Container -
Button Control box (container), Button(s)
Chart Container -
Check Label, Check box
Cloud Container -
CodeSnippet Input area for code text Lookup button
Colorpicker Colorpicker -
Contextmenu Context menu -
Download Invisible container -
Frame HTML Iframe
GoogleGadget Container -
GoogleMap Google map -
Group Invisible container
Groupbox Header, Container Element bar
Image Control box (container), Image(s)
Input Label, Input field Lookup button
List Label, List box Lookup button
Output Label, Output field Lookup button
Password Label, Password field
Preferences Preferences; invisible at run time -
Progressbar Progress bar -
Radio Control box (container), Radio button, Labels
RichText Input area for rich text -
Select Label, Select box Lookup button
Statusbar Status bar, Input area -
TabPage Tab group (container), Tab page(s)
Table Table with rows, Element bar
Textarea Label, Input area Lookup button
Tree Tree list -
Toolbar Toolbar, Save button Toolbar item
Upload Invisible container -
XGrid Table with rows, Element bar -
XMLUtil XMLUtil; invisible at run time -

The controls mentioned here are provided in Process Platform XForms by default. To create your own composite controls, see Working with Composite Controls.

  • The Input, Password, Output, Textarea, Check, Radio, Select, List, Text, and Frame controls are also referred to as
    Primitive controls as they are basic data-entry controls that comprise a label and an input area to enter data.
  • For information about the additional interface elements, see Elements.

APIs for Controls

Process Platform XForms exposes APIs for customizing and using controls in an XForm. Some APIs are common for all controls, while some are applicable to specific controls or types of controls such as the API to control pagination bar for grouping controls.
Note: Ensure that you create the required UI using the XForms Designer only. Do not manipulate the DOM object tree by using DHTML in run time, as HTML elements added during run time do not have XForms API associated with them. This may lead to unpredictable behavior of the XForm. Moreover, the future releases of Process Platform XForms may not support the changes made.

Related tasks

Adding Controls to an XForm