pp108 : Toolbar


The Toolbar control is an additional feature that is not available as a control in the XForms Toolbox. Using the Toolbar, you can add common buttons that apply to all the controls in the XForm.
The following button types are available in the Toolbar:

  • Standard Toolbar Item: It refers to the Save and Print buttons in the toolbar. The Save button helps synchronize all models available in the XForm. The Print button enables printing of the XForm at run time.
  • Other Toolbar Item: It refers to other buttons that you can add to the Toolbar.

Properties, Events, and Methods of the Controls

The Toolbar and Toolbar buttons have certain properties, events, and methods associated with them. They define the behavior of the control and can be set through the property page of the button or programmatically using the APIs.

Table 1. List of Properties for the Toolbar Buttons

Design-time property

Runtime property



Sets the string that identifies the control on an XForm. If not specified, a unique ID is automatically generated.



Sets the tool tip that appears on a control when the mouse is moved over it. Programmatically, this property is set by specifying the title property of the control.



Sets the location of the image to be displayed on the control.


Sets the text to be displayed as a tooltip for the toolbar button.


Sets the type of the toolbar button.

  • Default: Displays a button as is.
  • Dropdown: Displays a dropdown list with the toolbar button.
  • Toggle: Enables a toggle option for the toolbar button.

Access Key

Sets the key that can be used to access the toolbar button. The key specified is to be used in combination with the Alt key at runtime, such as Alt+<access key>. In case of the Firefox browser, use Alt+Shift+<access key>.

Task Part

Sets whether the toolbar button can be associated with a task part. For details, see Property Sheet of Controls, Regions, and AppPalettes and Creating a Task Part for a Control.

Table 2. List of Events for the Toolbar Buttons




This event is activated when you click the button.

onbeforesave (for the Save button only)

This event is activated before the data models are synchronized with the backend, when you click the Save button.

onaftersave (for the Save button only)

This event is activated after the data models are synchronized with the backend, when you click the Save button.

onbeforeprint (for the Print button only)

This event is activated before the print dialog is invoked, after you click the Print button.

onafterprint (for the Print button only)

This event is activated after the print dialog is closed. The print dialog is invoked after you click the Print button.

Table 3. List of Methods for the Toolbar Buttons




This method disables the button on which it is invoked.


This method enables the button on which it is invoked.


This method hides the control and all associated child controls.


This method retrieves the value that denotes whether the button is enabled or not.


This method makes the control and its child controls visible.

Table 4. List of Properties for Toolbar

Design-time property

Runtime property



Sets the string that identifies the toolbar on an XForm. If not specified, a unique ID is automatically generated.


Sets the position of the toolbar. Possible options are Top, Bottom, Left, and Right.


Sets the type of scrolling action to be used view buttons on the toolbar.

  • Default: Displays all toolbar buttons.
  • Roller: Displays a roller to navigate through toolbar buttons.

Icon Size

Sets the size of icons used in the toolbar.

  • Set as Default to use a simple image as is.
  • Set as Small to use the smallest multi-size icons.
  • Set as Medium to use medium multi-size icons.
  • Set as Large to use the largest multi-size icons.

Table 5. List of Methods for Toolbar




This method adds an item to the existing toolbar. For details about this method, see Toolbar.


This method registers the control to receive notifications for an event.


This method adds a separator to the existing toolbar. For details about this method, see Toolbar.


This method unregisters the control to cease receiving notifications for its events.