pp108 : Cloud


The Cloud control is used to display business attribute labels in an application. The use of business attribute labels makes it easy to locate business objects.

Process Platform XForms supports the maping of the Cloud control to Web services, which enables the display of business attribute labels of a Web service in an XForm. You can use the Message Map to map the elements of the schema of the Web service to the label property of a Cloud control. The mapping that you define between the control and the model is stored in a mapping object.

In the Cloud control, the display style of labels depends on a weightage factor that is based on the number of times the label is repeated compared to other labels in the cloud. For example, a label that is frequently used displays in bold.

Properties and Events of the Control

The properties and events associated with the Cloud control define its behavior. You can set them either through the control's property sheet or programmatically using the APIs.

Table 1. List of Properties

Design-time property

Runtime property



Sets the string that identifies the control on an XForm. If not specified, a unique ID is automatically generated.

Class Name


Sets or retrieves the class name applied on the control.



Sets the tool tip that appears on a control when the mouse is moved over it. Programmatically, this property is set by specifying the title property of the control.

Table 2. List of Events




This event is fired when you click a business attribute label. It is associated with the following property.

  • label: Refers to the description of a label in the Cloud control.


This event is fired before the weightage factor is calculated. Possible return values are:

  • If the return value is set to false, the weightage calculation is not done.
  • If the return value is set to true, weightage is calculated and the business attribute label is displayed accordingly.