pp108 : xforms-onafterebivalidate


This event is fired after receiving the Validate response from Cordys WS-AppServer.

Event Information

To invoke

Change the value of a HTML element bound to a model which is integrated with WS-AppServer.

Default Action

Initiates any action associated with the event.

Named Script


Event Object Properties




Denotes html control that fired this event.


String that denotes the Source event that caused the firing of event. It can have values "change", "focus", "insert", and "custom".


XML object that denotes the response XML.


Boolean that denotes whether the validated data can be shown in the html controls.

  • true: Default. Validated data will be shown in the bound controls of the model.
  • false: Validated data will not be shown in the bound controls of the model.

An event handler can access the event object and its properties through the eventObject available as a parameter on the handler.


This event is available on the model only when it is integrated with WS-AppServer. The event fires after getting the response of the Validate request that is sent to the WS-AppServer.

If the returnValue property of the event is set to false, the validated data returned by the WS-AppServer will not be bound to the controls.

Applies to
