pp108 : guiRepresentation


Object that handles all the GUI related activities in the application object's container.


The guiRepresentation represents a set of APIs exposed for the Application developers to manipulate the container object in the application. This provides a rich set of GUI related method calls which can be called from the container. This GUI consists of a title bar which has buttons to close, resize and minimize applications. The application where the actual content is displayed is inside the guiRepresentation of a container object.

The format for calling the methods in the guiRepresentation from the container object is as follows:


Following are the methods defined for the guiRepresentation object:




Reference to the object that acts as a framework or container for the applications started using the select method of the application component.


String separated by commas that describes the features of the window to be opened, such as width, height etc. This property is READ-ONLY and can be set only through Application Definition.This property will be available only if the <frame> property of the Application Definition is "_new" or "_modal".

html *

Denotes the HTML content displayed in the container which is represented as a GUI. This will be usually a SPAN tag which contains a Table. The table is split into two rows. The first row contains the title bar, and the second row contains an IFRAME that contains the actual page to be displayed. This property will be available if the <frame> property of the Application Definition is not "_new" or _modal".

iframe *

Denotes the IFRAME object that contains the page displayed.This property will be available if the <frame> property of the Application Definition is not "_new" or _modal".


Denotes the type of application opened. This will have the following values: undefinedDefault. The value will be undefined by default._modal: The application opened is a modal window._new: Application opened is in a new window using window.open.

undockedHeight *

Contains the undocked height of the application window in pixels. This property will be available if the <frame> property of the Application Definition is not "_new" or _modal".

undockedLeft *

Contains the undocked left position of the application window in pixels. This property will be available if the <frame> property of the Application Definition is not "_new" or _modal".

undockedTop *

Contains the undocked top position of the application window in pixels. This property will be available if the <frame> property of the Application Definition is not "_new" or _modal".

undockedWidth *

Contains the undocked width of the application window in pixels. This property will be available if the <frame> property of the Application Definition is not "_new" or _modal".


Denotes the window object of the application opened.This property will be available if the <frame> property of the Application Definition is "_new".

*: These properties are available only if the default Process Platform Ajax Toolkit docks are used. When an application window is minimized or undocked, the minimize or undock methods use theundockedHeight,undockedLeft,undockedTop, andundockedWidthproperties to resize the application window.




Keeps the container blink once the window is created.


Causes the container object to lose focus.


Closes the container. If the application being closed is the last one in the popped-up window, then that window also gets closed.


Positions the container object in a docked mode in the window. In docked mode, the application is attached to a docking area along the four borders of the main window ("main" Frame which is the default).


Causes the container object to receive focus.


Returns the tool tip displayed for the application.


Returns the url of the application opened.


Hides the container if it is visible.


Hides the titlebar of the container if it is visible.


Maximizes the size of the container.


Minimizes the size of the container.The size of a minimized or undocked application is set according to theundockedHeight,undockedLeft,undockedTop, andundockedWidthproperties, if specified.

setTitle(caption, description)

Sets the title of the container. This title will be a combination of caption and description (caption-description).


Sets the url for the application.


Makes the container visible if it is hidden.


Makes the "Title Bar" of the application visible if it is not shown.


Undocks the container object to a floating mode. In floating mode, the application can appear anywhere on the screen and should a title bar for identification. A floating application is always on top of all other applications.The size of a minimized or undocked application is set according to theundockedHeight,undockedLeft,undockedTop, andundockedWidthproperties, if specified.

See Also
