pp108 : getMessage


This API receives a message from a destination.

SOAP request

Example request
<SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    <getMessage xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/1.0/jms">

Request parameters

Parameter Description Mandatory Accepted input values
destination Identifier of the queue from where the message is received Y For dynamic destinations, the physical-name attribute can be added. See destination in sendMessage.
waitformessage Attribute on the API node, which is specified to block getMessage until a message arrives or the configured time out occurs N The default value is false.
messageselector JMS selector expression N  
messageformat Message format used to encode or convert the received message N
  • The message format can be base64, xmlMessage, or one of the configured BTC protocol names.
  • If not set, the message is returned as plain text.
correlationid If provided, only the messages having the same correlation ID are returned. N  

SOAP response

Example response
<GetMessageResponse xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/jmsconnector/operations/3.0">

Response parameters

Parameter Description
message Contains the read message depending on the messageformat input parameter. The message can be XML (if binary transformation is used or messageformat is set to xmlMessage), base64 encoded string, or plain text.
messageid Message ID of the message
fromdestination Name of the destination from where the message was read; for dynamic destination, this contains the physical-name attribute.
correlationid Correlation ID of the message

Queue identifier from where the sender expects a reply.

Note: This queue must be configured within the SOAP processor if dynamic queuing is not used. For dynamic destinations, this contains the physical-name attribute.

jmstype JMS type of the message
properties Properties of the message