WebForm |
The WebForm object is the framework object of an XForm. This hosts the basic objects required for any XForm to run. By default, all XForms have access to it. It can be accessed directly from any page.
The model and the instance classes are available here, and the XForms get these objects, when required, from the WebForm during runtime.
You can use the following methods with the WebForm object to define its behavior.
Table 1. List of Methods
Method |
Description |
getData(applicationId) |
This method retrieves data for all message parts and free-form controls for the specified XForm at runtime. |
This method retrieves the collection of models defined for the current form. |
This method creates the format type for the specified data type. |
getInstance(aIndex, sUpdateNamespace, sBusinessObjectName, oHostApplication) |
This method creates an instance object in the current form. |
This method creates a model object in the current form. |
This method synchronizes the data of all models with the application service. |
This method sets the value for a node in an XML. If not found, it creates the node and sets the value. |
sendRequest() |
This method is automatically generated with the Input UI. It is an internal method that uses the specified input parameters to send requests, and must not be edited or used in custom applications. For information about this method, see Generating an Input UI. |
setZoomTable() |
This method specifies the table from which to set a value if multiple tables are available in the XForm that opens on clicking the look-up button. |
This method validates an element in the current XForm. This method is deprecated. |
This method validates the values of all controls in the current XForm. |