UpdateCaseVariables |
The Case variables of a Case model are used to configure the runtime parameters of a Case model during the execution. The different types of Case variables available are Worklist, Team, Role, Users, Dispatch algorithm, and Due date.
This Web service operation is used to Update the Case variables defined on a Case model. Updating the Case variables requires the lockID value from the GetCaseVariables Web service response.
SOAP Request
<UpdateCaseVariables xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/casemanagement/execution/1.0"> <caseinstanceid>001A6BFA-F5BF-11E0-EE96-4AB3A615DF96</caseinstanceid> <casedata lockID="001A6BFA-F5BF-11E0-EE96-5E3C29E61F96"> <data name="case:casevariables" xmlns:case="http://schemas.cordys.com/casemanagement/1.0"> <case:casevariables xmlns="" xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:case="http://schemas.cordys.com/casemanagement/1.0" xmlns:ns="http://orders.com/1.0" xmlns:ns1="http://orders.com/1.0" xmlns:sm="http://www.w3.org/2005/07/scxml"> <case:UserDN type="user">cn=John,cn=organizational users,o=myorg,cn=cordys,cn=myinstance,o=myorg.com</case:UserDN> </case:casevariables> </data> </casedata> </UpdateCaseVariables>
Request Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Mandatory |
Accepted Input Values |
caseinstanceid |
Refers to the instance ID of the Case model for which the Case variables must be updated |
Yes |
casedata |
Refers to the container of the Case instance that holds the data of Case variables, Case identifiers, and Case models |
Yes |
lockID |
Indicates the optimistic lock ID of the Case variables data read from the database. This value is available in the response of the GetCaseVariables Web service. |
Yes |
casevariables |
Indicates the optimistic lock ID of the Case variables data read from the database. This value is available in the response of the GetCaseVariables Web service. |
Yes |
Values of the Case variables to be updated. |
SOAP Response
<UpdateCaseVariablesResponse xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/casemanagement/execution/1.0" xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <caseinstanceid>001A6BFA-F5BF-11E0-EE96-4AB3A615DF96</caseinstanceid> <currentstate>001A6BFA-F5BF-11E0-EE95-1F107EFF5F96</currentstate> </UpdateCaseVariablesResponse>
Response Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
caseinstanceid |
Refers to the instance ID of the Case model for which the Case variables are updated |
currentstate |
Denotes the current state of the Case in which the instance is being executed |