pp108 : Update


This Web service operation is used to update the LDAP (to add new entries, to update existing entries, or to delete entries).

SOAP Request

Depending upon the type of the LDAP entry, the request parameters will vary.

Updating an LDAP Entry
The SOAP message uses the Update Web service operation, containing both old and new values of the LDAP entry.

<Update xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/1.0/ldap">
            <entry dn="cn=rwhite, cn=organizational users, o=vanenburg.com, cn=cordys, o=vanenburg.com">
                    <string>cn=rwhite, cn=authenticated users, cn=cordys, o=vanenburg.com</string>
                    <string>R White</string>
            <entry dn="cn=rwhiteray, cn=organizational users, o=vanenburg.com, cn=cordys, o=vanenburg.com">
                    <string>cn=rwhite, cn=authenticated users, cn=cordys, o=vanenburg.com</string>
                    <string>R White</string>

Deleting an LDAP entry
The SOAP message uses the Update Web service operation, containing the values of the old entry.

<Update xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/1.0/ldap">
            <entry dn="cn=rwhite, cn=organizational users, o=vanenburg.com, cn=cordys, o=vanenburg.com">
                    <string>cn=rwhite, cn=authenticated users, cn=cordys, o=vanenburg.com</string>
                    <string>R White</string>

Inserting an LDAP Entry
The SOAP message uses the Update Web service operation, containing the values of the new entry.

<Update xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/1.0/ldap">
            <entry dn="cn=rwhite, cn=organizational users, o=vanenburg.com, cn=cordys, o=vanenburg.com">
                    <string>cn=rwhite, cn=authenticated users, cn=cordys, o=vanenburg.com</string>
                    <string>R White</string>

Request Parameters




Contains a tuple.


Contains the old entry that has to be modified.


Contains the new entry that has to replace the old entry.

SOAP Response

The SOAP response comprises the updated LDAP content. Below is the sample SOAP response for
Inserting an LDAP Entry.

<Updateresponse xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/1.0/ldap">
            <entry dn="cn=rwhite, cn=organizational users, o=vanenburg.com, cn=cordys, o=vanenburg.com">
                    <string>cn=rwhite, cn=authenticated users, cn=cordys, o=vanenburg.com</string>
                    <string>R White</string>