pp108 : Source


This topic describes the Source column, a part of the Message Map.

The Source column, a part of the Message Map, lists the input and output messages of all the previous activities in a tree structure as defined in the WSDL of the activity. For example, if the third activity in a business process model is selected, the Source column displays the input and output messages of the previous two activities.

Elements from the Source column can be assigned to elements in the Target column.

You can use the Source column for the following purposes:

  • Assign input to an element by selecting a particular element from the Source column and mapping it to an element in the Target column. You can do this by either using the Control key or by dragging and dropping the respective elements to the Assignments column.
  • Copy the XPath of an element.
    1. Right-click the element and click Show XPath.
    2. Copy the text from the Show XPath dialog box and use it for checking the conditions in the Decision Connectors, While loop, Until loop, and in the Target and Source columns in the Message Map.
  • Copy Process Specific Messagesfrom one business process to another business process.
    1. Select the process specific message you want to copy in the source business process.
    2. Right-click and select Show XML and copy the text from the Show XML dialog box.
    3. Open the target business process and select Process Specific Messages in the Message Map.
    4. Right-click and select Paste XML as Message.
  • Display the system generated instance-specific information in the Message Map of the process instance. For example, start time, process name, version, identifier, and so on. You cannot assign data to these instance properties, but only read data from these properties and map it in the Assignments column to the elements under the messages in the Target column.
  • Search can be performed for a source element available in the Assignments column. Right-click an element in Source, which has been mapped to a target element and select Find in Source Assigns.

    Note: Refer to Toolbar and Menu Options in Source for more information on the toolbar and context menu options.

    Related Concept

    Process Specific Messages

Related tasks

Creating a Process Specific Message
Creating Assignments

Related information

Using Message Maps