pp108 : SOAPTransaction


A SOAP Transaction is a wrapper object that contains a SOAP request as well as the response message that can be send to the Web server. Using the SOAP Transaction object, request can be sent from the browser to the back end, and response can be received back from the Web server.



system.soapTransaction.<propertyName> = <propertyValue>


The SOAP Transaction contains all the basic parameters that are needed to be set and send to the Web Server and to handle it while receiving. The inputs in the soapTransaction property is given mostly as an input to the URL of the gateway Web server to which the request will be sent.

The data required for the soapTransaction can be retrieved from the back end only after the first call to user property of the system. New data can be refreshed by calling the refresh method of the user property.

The following are the properties, methods and events defined for the above property:




String that contains the base URL to which the soap message will be posted. This is same as that of the baseurl property of the system component.


String that denotes the HTTP method used to send the SOAP message to the server. This can be a GET or a POST. By default, this is POST.


Boolean that specifies whether the XML interaction with the Web Server is asynchronous. The value of this property is the async property set in the send method of the XMLHTTP object.


Name-based array that contains the parameters that can be appended to the baseurl when sending SOAP messages to the server.


The XML document containing the SOAP message that will be send as a request to the back end. This should not be an XML node (Like a Document Element) or an XML island inside an HTML page.


If an exception occurred during interaction with the Web Server (E.g., the Web server is down), then an exception will occur in the JScript, and this exception is stored in the httpError property.


Pointer to a function that will be called if an exception occurred during the send operation of the XMLHTTP object. The soapTransaction object will be passed as an argument, and the exception will be available in the property httpError.


Pointer to a function that will be called if an exception occurred after response is received from the Web server. The soapTransaction object will be passed as an argument to this function call.


The microsoft.xmlHTTPobject that is used to do the interaction with the Web server. This contains a variable response XML which contains the XML Document that was received from the Web server. This property is READ-ONLY.

See Also

system, onrequest, onresponse, onhttperror