pp108 : Rules


This topic describes rules in the context of business objects.

Rules dictate the manner in which a business object reacts to a situation, and eventually charts the course of a business process. You can model the behavior of data or business objects using rules. Each process in a business can use rules to govern intra- and inter-enterprise collaboration. During the implementation of a process, rules that apply to business objects determine the way business functions are engineered towards the completion of the process.


Business Rule Template is dropped in Cordys BOP 4.1. But it is supported for the existing templates upgraded from earlier Process Platform releases to ensure backward compliance. However, you cannot create new Business Rule Templates any more.

Rule Groups

A rule group allows you to organize functionally similar rules for better management. Rules are grouped for ease of retrieval. Each rule group has a priority associated with it thus allowing you to prioritize the implementation of rules in that rule group. All rules are linked to a rule group and rules cannot be shared across multiple rule groups.

Rule Types

Process Platform supports the following types of rules that are defined while creating business rules:

Type of Rule



This type of rule is used to validate objects before they are persisted in CoBOC. It works within the context of a transaction. The rule may relate to business constraints and partner agreements that come into force at the beginning or during the data modeling process.

  • This type of rule is recommended, when defining internal and assignment actions.
  • You can use the request object only in Constraint rules. Therefore, if you have created a constraint rule, and want to change the rule type, ensure that references to the request object are removed from the rule definition.


This type of rule is used to determine the behavior of objects after a transaction is committed to the database. The business rules are executed after the constraint rules.
Note: This type of rule is recommended, when defining external actions.


This type of rule allows you to fire a rule from within a rule, thus allowing you to nest rules. Therefore, if a rule is set as a passive rule, then that rule runs only if it is triggered from another rule. This rule has no scope outside the context of a rule that has triggered it. This rule is available only when using a fire rule action.

Related tasks

Creating a Business Rule
Building a Decision Table

Related reference

Rule Actions
Rule Engine Function Library