pp108 : Instructions


This topic describes the instructions available with the default Process Platform XSLT function library.

Apart from the XSLT functions, Process Platform also provides three instructions that enable you to check if the source element exists, copy source node values to the target elements, and create target element based on the number of occurrences of source elements.
The Instructions supported by Cordys, their functionality, and parameters that have to be specified are described in the following table:

Table 1. Instructions




If Exists

Checks the existence of the source element

Source Element - Select the source element from the
Source tree, map it to the If Exists block, and map the instruction to the Target element.
Note: If the source element does not exist, then the corresponding target element is not created.


Copies the source element and value to the target element

Source Element - Select the source element from the Source tree, map it to the parameter on the Copy instruction block, and map the instruction block to the Target element.

Repeat Target Repeats the target element with the value of the mapped source elements.

Value - Select the source element from the source tree, map it to the parameter on the Repeat Target instruction block, and map the instruction block to the Target element.

  • The Repeat Target instruction can be used to map any number of Sourceelement nodes to any number of target nodes.
    • The Source element nodes must be:
      • non-repeating leaf element nodes
      • repeating leaf element nodes. A repeating node is the node that contains the minOccurs or maxOccurs values set as >1.
      • combination of both
    • The Target element node must be a repeating leaf node.
  • The Repeat Target instruction cannot be used:
    • for mapping to and mapping from other function or instruction blocks
    • if the source or target nodes contain child nodes
  • The attributes of a source element node can be directly mapped to the attributes of a target element node only if the source and target elements are mapped using the Repeat Target instruction.

For more information on using the Repeat Target in various scenarios, refer to Using the Repeat Target Instruction.