pp108 : GetTaskCollection


Attribute detail is set to true in GetTaskCollection

This Web service operation takes the Task IDs and gives the task definitions for the requested tasks and also provides the detail attribute.

SOAP Request

<GetTaskCollection xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/task/1.0/runtime/">
    <Task detail="true" id="GUID of task"/>
    <Task detail="true" id="GUID of task"/>

Request Parameters



Data Type

Accepted Input Values


Provides the task details on the basis of input values.

  • detail - If detail is set to true, the complete Task definition is returned. If details is set to false, a partial task definition including task parts and related tasks is returned.
  • id - Unique ID of the task

SOAP Response

    xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/task/1.0/runtime/" xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
            <Task id="GUID of task" name="Name of the task"
                type="UI_TASK" xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/task/1.0/">
                <Description>The description about the task</Description>
                    <Property name="showOnStartPage" value="true"/>
                    <Application class="SoapProcessors" isfolder="false" menu="false">
                        <url>Url of the application</url>
                        <icon>url of the icon</icon>
                            height="%/px" left="%/px" top="%/px" width="%/px">main</frame>
                    <TaskPart id="GUID of taskpart" name="name of taskpart">
                        <Description>The description of the taskpart.</Description>
                    <TaskPart id="GUID of taskpart" name="name of taskpart">
                        <Description>The description of the taskpart.</Description>
                    <Task id="GUID of the task" name="name of the task"/>
            <Task id="GUID of task" name="Name of the task"
                type="UI_TASK" xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/task/1.0/"/>

Response Parameters




The description about the task .


Provides task details based on the given parameters. It takes name value pairs. Example: <Property name="showOnStartPage" value="true" /> .


Input data required for execution of task.


Result of execution of task.


Data required for launching an application.


An activity that is part of the Task.


Task referred by the parent task.

Attribute detail set to false in GetTaskCollection

SOAP Request

<GetTaskCollection xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/task/1.0/runtime/">
    <Task detail="false" id="GUID of the task"/>
    <Task detail="false" id="GUID of the task"/>

Request Parameters



Data Type

Accepted Input Values


Provides the task details on the basis of input values.

  • detail - If detail is set to true, the complete Task definition is returned. If details is set to false, a partial task definition including task parts and related tasks is returned.
  • id - Unique ID of the task

SOAP Response

    xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/task/1.0/runtime/" xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
            <Task id="GUID of the task" name="Monitor SOAP services"
                type="UI_TASK" xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/task/1.0/">
                <Description>Monitor SOAP Services</Description>
                    <TaskPart id="GUID of the task part" name="name of the taskpart"/>
                    <TaskPart id="GUID of the task part" name="name of the taskpart"/>
                    <TaskPart id="GUID of the task part" name="name of the taskpart"/>
                    <Task id="GUID of the task" name="name of the task"/>
            <Task id="GUID of the task" name="name of the task"
                type="Task Type" xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/task/1.0/">....</Task>

Response Parameters




An activity that is part of the Task.


Task referred by the parent task.

List all the available tasks in task repository

SOAP Request

<GetTaskCollection xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/task/1.0/runtime/"/>

SOAP Response

    xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/task/1.0/runtime/" xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
            <Task id="GUID of the task" name="name of the task"
                type="type of the task" xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/task/1.0/"/>
            <Task id="GUID of the task" name="name of the task"
                type="type of the task" xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/task/1.0/"/>
            <Task id="GUID of the task" name="name of the task"
                type="type of the task" xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/task/1.0/"/>

Response Parameters



Data Type

Accepted Input Values


Provides the task details on the basis of input values.

  • id - Unique ID of the task
  • name - Name of the task
  • type - Type of the task