GetStateInstanceById |
This Web service operation is used to get a business object instance from state instance table for a specified unique ID. GetStateInstanceById is part of the MDM Service Methodset Web service interface whose namespace is
SOAP Request
<SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP=""> <SOAP:Body> <GetStateInstanceById xmlns=""> <instanceid>D70815E6-C57C-11E2-EE1E-9CB65254BF91</instanceid> <businessobject>Customers</businessobject> <modeltype>businessobject</modeltype> </GetStateInstanceById> </SOAP:Body> </SOAP:Envelope>
Request Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Mandatory |
Accepted Input Values |
instanceid | A GUID that uniquely identifies a businessobject instance from the state instance table. | Yes | Stiring |
businessobject | Name of the business object | Yes | String |
modeltype | Type of the business object | No | Can take one of the following two values:
SOAP Response
<GetStateInstanceByIdResponse xmlns="" xmlns:SOAP="" xmlns:xfr=""> <data instanceid="D70815E6-C57C-11E2-EE1E-9CB65254BF91" state="Waiting"> <semetadata> <mdmmetadata> <userdn>cn=testuser,cn=organizational users,o=mdm_test,cn=cordys,cn=defaultInst,</userdn> <requestorganization>o=mdm_test,cn=cordys,cn=defaultInst,</requestorganization> <rcorguid/> <source>Spoke1</source> <operation>Upload</operation> <origin>spoke</origin> <hub> <keys> <CustomerID>20</CustomerID> </keys> <backend>Hub</backend> <entity>Customers</entity> <organization>o=mdm_test,cn=cordys,cn=build388,</organization> <dbevent>update</dbevent> </hub> <spoke> <dbevent>insert</dbevent> <keys> <CustomerID>20</CustomerID> </keys> <backend>Spoke1</backend> <entity>Customers</entity> <organization>o=mdm_test,cn=cordys,cn=build388,</organization> </spoke> </mdmmetadata> <activestates> <state name="Waiting"/> </activestates> </semetadata> <businessobject> <Customers> <CustomerID>20</CustomerID> <CompanyName>Acme</CompanyName> <ContactName>JDoe</ContactName> <ContactTitle>G1</ContactTitle> <Address>MIG 34</Address> <City>Vishakapatnam</City> <Region>South</Region> <PostalCode>9001221</PostalCode> <Country>India</Country> <Phone>112211212</Phone> <Fax>122322323</Fax> </Customers> </businessobject> </data> </GetStateInstanceByIdResponse>
Response Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
data | All the details of the state instance retrieved for the specified StateInstance ID. |
rcorguid | GUID used for internal identification by the MDM framework |
userdn | DN with which the original request was executed |
requestorganization | DN of the organization from which the request was executed |
source | Identity of the MDM Publisher service group associated with the source datastore |
origin | Origin of the record. It returns:
hub | Contains the details of the hub data store |
hub/keys | Key fields defined on the business object as associated with the hub entity |
hub/backend | Name of the MDM Publisher service group associated with the hub data store |
hub/entity | Name of the hub entity |
hub/organization | Space where the MDM model is configured. It contains one of the following:
spoke | Contains the details of the spoke data store |
spoke/keys | Key fields defined on the business object associated with the spoke entity |
spoke/backend | Name of the MDM Publisher service group associated with the spoke data store |
spoke/entity | Name of the spoke entity |
spoke/organization | Space where the MDM model is configured. It contains one of the following: