pp108 : GetStateInstanceById


This Web service operation is used to get a business object instance from state instance table for a specified unique ID. GetStateInstanceById is part of the MDM Service Methodset Web service interface whose namespace is http://schemas.cordys.com/rcor/1.0.

SOAP Request

<SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
        <GetStateInstanceById xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/rcor/1.0">

Request Parameters




Accepted Input Values

instanceid A GUID that uniquely identifies a businessobject instance from the state instance table. Yes Stiring
businessobject Name of the business object Yes String
modeltype Type of the business object No

Can take one of the following two values:

  • businessobject - for business object life cycle. This is the default value.
  • candidateobject - for match model life cycle.

SOAP Response

<GetStateInstanceByIdResponse xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/rcor/1.0"
    xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xfr="http://schemas.cordys.com/1.0/xforms/runtime">
    <data instanceid="D70815E6-C57C-11E2-EE1E-9CB65254BF91" state="Waiting">
                <userdn>cn=testuser,cn=organizational users,o=mdm_test,cn=cordys,cn=defaultInst,o=vanenburg.com</userdn>
                <state name="Waiting"/>
                <Address>MIG 34</Address>
Response Parameters




All the details of the state instance retrieved for the specified StateInstance ID.

rcorguid GUID used for internal identification by the MDM framework
userdn DN with which the original request was executed
requestorganization DN of the organization from which the request was executed
source Identity of the MDM Publisher service group associated with the source datastore

Origin of the record. It returns:

  • spoke - if the origin is from one of the spokes
  • hub - if the origin is from the hub
hub Contains the details of the hub data store
hub/keys Key fields defined on the business object as associated with the hub entity
hub/backend Name of the MDM Publisher service group associated with the hub data store
hub/entity Name of the hub entity

Space where the MDM model is configured. It contains one of the following:

  • DN of the organization
  • isv
spoke Contains the details of the spoke data store
spoke/keys Key fields defined on the business object associated with the spoke entity
spoke/backend Name of the MDM Publisher service group associated with the spoke data store
spoke/entity Name of the spoke entity

Space where the MDM model is configured. It contains one of the following:

  • DN of the organization
  • isv