GetRulesByTemplateId |
This method is used to retrieve rules based on template IDs. GetRulesByTemplateId is part of the Methodset Rule Engine 4.2 in the Cordys Rule Engine application package.
SOAP Request
<GetRulesByTemplateId xmlns=""> <templateid>11748001727329</templateid> </GetRulesByTemplateId>
Request Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Data Type |
Accepted Input Values |
templateid |
ID of the template |
String |
SOAP Response
<GetRulesByTemplateIdResponse xmlns=""> <tuple> <old> <rule> <ruleid>11717180415968</ruleid> <version>1.0</version> <rulegroupid>11747572540336</rulegroupid> <rulename>ProductTest1</rulename> <ruleowner>cn=Jdoe,cn=organizational users,o=system,cn=cordys,</ruleowner> <orgcontext>o=system,cn=cordys,</orgcontext> <modelspace>organization<modelspace> <ruledescription>ProductTest1</ruledescription> <rulepriority>5</rulepriority> <effectivedate>2007-03-02T17:25:16.387</effectivedate> <expirydate /> <modifiedon>2007-03-02T17:25:16.387</modifiedon> <modifiedby>cn=Jdoe,cn=organizational users,o=system,cn=cordys,</modifiedby> <enabled>true</enabled> <debug>false</debug> <toggletype>true</toggletype> <ruletype>business</ruletype> <link /> <ruletemplateid /> <mutex_rules /> <overrides_rules /> <br_triggers> <trigger> <template_id>11748001727329</template_id> <template_name>Product</template_name> <on_insert>true</on_insert> <on_update>true</on_update> <on_delete>false</on_delete> </trigger> </br_triggers> <ruledefinition> <rule xmlns="" rtname=""> <precondition> <expression /> </precondition> <if path=".//if"> <condition>Product.Id>1</condition> <then> <action> <assignment actionId="0.635397412184411" name="assignment-ProdAssign"> <expression>Product.Name="Covers"</expression> </assignment> </action> </then> </if> </rule> </ruledefinition> </rule> </old> </tuple> </GetRulesByTemplateIdResponse>
Response Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
ruleid |
Unique identifier of the rule. |
version |
Version of the rule. |
rulegroupid |
Unique identifier of the rule group to which the rule belongs. |
rulename |
Name of the rule. |
ruleowner |
Owner of the rule. |
orgcontext |
DN of the organization. |
modelspace |
Unique name of the modelspace (ISVP or Organization) where the Rule is available. |
ruledescription |
Description of the rule. |
rulepriority |
Priority for implementing the rule. Priority level of a rule ranges from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest). The rule with the highest priority is executed first. |
effectivedate |
Date from which the rule comes into effect. |
expirydate |
Date from which the rule is no longer effective. |
modifiedon |
Date on which the rule was last modified. |
modifiedby |
User who last modified the rule. |
enabled |
If True, the rule is triggered at runtime based on the transaction. If False, the rule is not triggered. |
ruletype |
Type of the rule. |
link |
Rule to be executed in sequence with the current rule. |
ruletemplateid |
Unique identifier of the rule template using which you want to design the rule. |
mutex_rules |
ID of the mutex rule. |
override_rules |
ID of the override rule. |
trigger |
Triggers set on the template. |
rule definition |
Definition of the rule. It contains thePreconditiontag (if necessary), theCondition, and theActiontags with the rule defined in them. |