pp108 : GetPossibleActionsForTask


This method is used to retrieve all the actions possible that a user can perform on a task.

SOAP Request
       <Target type="worklist">d9a48178-592c-453a-8d69-d7e13ca2bd78</Target>

Request Parameters



Data Type

Accepted Input Values


Unique identified of the task

This id can be retrieved using the GetTasks API


Contains the type of target from which the tasks should be retrieved

type - This is an optional tag

  • role - Provide the DN of the role
  • team - Provide the ID of the Organizational Unit.
  • worklist - Provide the Id of the worklist
  • user - Provide the DN of the user. |

SOAP Response
Worklist User:

When Task is in CREATED state:

<GetPossibleActionsForTaskResponse xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/notification/workflow/1.0" >

when Task is in Assigned state:

<GetPossibleActionsForTaskResponse xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/notification/workflow/1.0" xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xfr="http://schemas.cordys.com/1.0/xforms/runtime">
Worklist Manager:

when Task is in CREATED state:

<GetPossibleActionsForTaskResponse xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/notification/workflow/1.0">
    <CLAIM />
    <ASSIGN />
    <SKIP />
    <TRANSFER />
    <SUSPEND />
    <EXECUTE />
    <VIEW />

When Task is in ASSIGNED state:

<GetPossibleActionsForTaskResponse xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/notification/workflow/1.0">
    <START />
    <SKIP />
    <COMPLETE />
    <DELEGATE />
    <FORWARD />
    <TRANSFER />
    <EXECUTE />
    <VIEW />

Response Parameters



In the first example, if the task is to a Worklist User

CLAIM, EXECUTE and VIEW actions can be performed if the task is in CREATED state.
START,REVOKECLAIM,SKIP,COMPLETE,DELEGATE,FORWARD, EXECUTE and VIEW actions can be performed if the task is in ASSIGNED state.

In the second example, if the task is to a Worklist Manager

CLAIM,ASSIGN,SKIP,TRASNFER,SUSPEND,EXECUTE and VIEW actions can be performed if the task is in CREATED state
START,SKIP,COMPLETE,DELEGATE,FORWARD,TRANSFER,EXECUTE and VIEW actions can be performed if the task is in ASSIGNED state