pp108 : GetMail


This Web service operation is used to retrieve a single mail from the mail server. To use this API, you must set a valid profile. If not, an 'Authentication Failed' error is thrown.

SOAP Request
<GetMail xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/1.0/email">

Request Parameters




Specifies the serial number of the mail in the mail box. It is always denoted in the reverse chronological order. Example: The messageId of the oldest mail is



When set to 'true', displays the header information of the mail.


Specifies the folder in the mailbox from which the mails must be retrieved.

SOAP Response
<GetMailResponse xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/1.0/email">
                        <mailAddress>[email protected]</mailAddress>
                        <mailAddress>[email protected]</mailAddress>
                        <displayName>John Smith</displayName>
                    <flag name="answered">false</flag>
                    <flag name="deleted">false</flag>
                    <flag name="draft">false</flag>
                    <flag name="flagged">false</flag>
                    <flag name="recent">false</flag>
                    <flag name="seen">true</flag>
                <body>Hi John, I just called the networks guy and he said he can fix it. He asked me to check the Connection Points once again.</body>
                <sentDate>Tue Aug 20 12:34:01 IST 2002</sentDate>
                    <header name="header1">header value1</header>
                    <header name="header2">header value2</header>