GetHumanTasks |
The GetHumanTasks SOAP method is used to retrieve the Tasks. This method is a part of the Method Set Notification 1.0 interface with the namespace
SOAP Request
<GetHumanTasks xmlns=""> <Query xmlns=""> <Select> <QueryableObject>TASK_INSTANCE</QueryableObject> <Field>TaskId</Field> <Field>ParentTaskId</Field> <Field>SourceInstanceId</Field> <Field>State</Field> <Field>ProcessName</Field> <Field>Activity</Field> <Field>Priority</Field> <Field>Target</Field> <Field>Sender</Field> <Field>SourceType</Field> <Field>Assignee</Field> <Field>CompletedByUser</Field> <Field>DelegatedToUser</Field> <Field>DeliveryDate</Field> <Field>StartDate</Field> <Field>DueDate</Field> <Field>StartedOn</Field> <Field>CompletionDate</Field> <Field>IsPriorityFixed</Field> <Field>UITaskId</Field> <Field>TaskIdentifier:3417EB96-7E46-11E5-E007-7EF97B8E7F67</Field> </Select> <Filters> <And> <EQ field="SHOW_BUSINESS_ATTRIBUTES"> <Value>true</Value> </EQ> <EQ field="SHOW_NON_WORKABLE_ITEMS"> <Value>false</Value> </EQ> <EQ field="RETURN_TASK_DATA"> <Value>false</Value> </EQ> <LE field="StartDate"> <Value>2015-06-04T11:09:32.32</Value> </LE> <EQ field="Target"> <Value>user:cn=testUser,cn=organizational users,o=system,cn=cordys,cn=defaultInst,</Value> </EQ> <EQ field="TaskIdentifier.Input1"> <Value>200</Value> </EQ> </And> </Filters> <OrderBy> <Property direction="asc">TaskIdentifier.Input1</Property> </OrderBy> <Cursor position="0" numRows="100" maxRows="100"/> </Query> </GetHumanTasks>
Request Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Mandatory |
Accepted Input Values |
QueryableObject |
Name of the database object that is to be queried |
Yes |
Field |
Functional name of the database column, whose details are to be queried |
Atleast One |
Filters |
Constraints to filter the response |
No |
OrderBy |
Fields on which the results must be ordered |
No |
One or more of the Property elements. The ordering sequence depends upon the sequence of the Property elements. |
Cursor |
Information on the set of results to be returned |
No |
Contains a boolean value. Returns tasks of non workable nature. | No | The possible values are:
Contains Business attributes of the Tasks returned. | No | The possible values are:
To decide if the task data is required | No | The possible values are:
- We can provide only one 'Target' in the request and only 'EQ' filter is supported for this. Value should be like 'TargetType:Target'.
i. role:cn=testRole,cn=organizational roles,o=system,cn=cordys,cn=defaultInst,
ii. user:cn=testUser,cn=organizational users,o=system,cn=cordys,cn=defaultInst,
iii. team:3417EB96-7E46-11E4-FF0C-97DB975710EC
- If the 'Target' is not provided, tasks across all the targets for that user will be retrieved.
- If you want to query the tasks based on 'TaskIdentifier id', you must prefix the GUID value in 'Field' with 'TaskIdentifier'. For instance, (TaskIdentifier:3417EB96-7E46-11E5-E007-7EF97B8E7F67)
- In the Filters or OrderBy clause, you must provide the field name as 'TaskIdentifier.BusinessAttribute Name' as shown in the sample request above.
<GetHumanTasksResponse xmlns:SOAP="" xmlns=""> <tuple> <old> <NOTF_TASK_INSTANCE> <TaskId>3417EB96-7E46-11E5-E09F-7DA5066B7F67</TaskId> <SourceInstanceId>3417EB96-7E46-11E5-E09F-7DA5066B1F67</SourceInstanceId> <State>INPROGRESS</State> <ProcessName>BPMS/testBpm</ProcessName> <Activity>ui</Activity> <Priority>3</Priority> <Sender displayName="saiu" phone1="" phone2="" email="">cn=testUser,cn=organizational users,o=system,cn=cordys,cn=defaultInst,</Sender> <SourceType>BPM</SourceType> <Assignee displayName="saiu" phone1="" phone2="" email="">cn=testUser,cn=organizational users,o=system,cn=cordys,cn=defaultInst,</Assignee> <CompletedByUser xmlns:xsi="" null="true" xsi:nil="true" /> <DelegatedToUser xmlns:xsi="" null="true" xsi:nil="true" /> <DeliveryDate>2015-05-28T05:39:40.0</DeliveryDate> <StartDate>2015-05-28T05:39:40.0</StartDate> <DueDate xmlns:xsi="" null="true" xsi:nil="true" /> <StartedOn>2015-05-28T10:20:13.0</StartedOn> <CompletionDate xmlns:xsi="" null="true" xsi:nil="true" /> <IsPriorityFixed xmlns:xsi="" null="true" xsi:nil="true" /> <UITaskId>3417EB96-7E46-11E5-E007-7EF97B8D7F67</UITaskId> <Target type="role">cn=Role1,cn=organizational roles,o=system,cn=cordys,cn=defaultInst,</Target> <BusinessAttributes> <Attribute name="Button2" xpath="//proc:forminputdata/proc:freeformcontrols/proc:button2" datatype="STRING" /> <Attribute name="Button3" xpath="//proc:forminputdata/proc:freeformcontrols/proc:button3" datatype="STRING" /> <Attribute name="Button1" xpath="//proc:forminputdata/proc:freeformcontrols/proc:button1" datatype="STRING" /> </BusinessAttributes> <TaskData> <ApplicationData> <proc:forminputdata xmlns="" xmlns:SOAP="" xmlns:proc=""> <proc:freeformcontrols> <proc:button1 display_name="Button1" /> <proc:button2 display_name="Button2" /> <proc:button3 display_name="Button3" /> </proc:freeformcontrols> </proc:forminputdata> </ApplicationData> </TaskData> </NOTF_TASK_INSTANCE> </old> </tuple> <cursor numRows="100"/> </GetHumanTasksResponse>
Response Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
TaskId |
Contains the unique task ID |
ProcessName |
Contains the name of the Business Process that assigned the task |
SourceType |
Source from where the task is triggered |
SourceInstanceId |
Instance ID of the source that triggered the task |
CompletedByUser |
Contains the DN of the user who completes the task |
DelegatedToUser |
Contains the DN of the user to whom the task is delegated |
CompletionDate |
Contains the date when the task is completed |
Target |
Type of target to which the task is assigned. |
ParentTaskId |
This ID is used to group all the tasks, which are assigned to same role with All linked users should execute task option enabled in the Business Process properties. |
Assignee |
Contains the DN of the user to whom the task is assigned |
StartDate |
Contains the date when the task can be started |
DueDate isExpired |
Contains the date when the task must be completed. When isExpired is true, the due date is already past. |
DeliveryDate |
Contains the date when the task is completed |
State |
Contains the current state of the task. For example: Assigned, InProgress, and so on. |
Priority |
Contains the priority that is set on the task |
Activity |
Contains the name of the activity specified in the business process |
Sender |
Contains the DN of the user who sent the task |
StartedOn |
Contains the date when the task is started |