pp108 : GetAllWorklistsForUser



This method is used to get all the worklists to which the user is assigned.

SOAP Request

<GetAllWorklistsForUser xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/notification/workflow/1.0"/>

This request returns all the work lists that a user is assigned. First, the teams in which the user is working will be retrieved from the Organization model, then based on the mapping with the work lists the response would be returned.

SOAP Response

<GetAllWorklistsForUserResponse xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/notification/workflow/1.0" xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
                <Name>Sample Worklist</Name>
                                        <RoleDN>cn=CU7ITWarRoomManager,cn=Cordys CU7ITCaseProject,cn=cordys,cn=cws,o=vanenburg.com</RoleDN>

Response Parameters

Parameter Description
Id Contains the unique identifier of the work list.
Name Contains the name of the work list to which the user is assigned.
LastModified Contains the timestamp of the last date on which the work list was modified.