pp108 : FireTrigger


This Web service operation is used to raise an external event on a business object instance that is currently under the lifecycle specified by an MDM State Model. It is part of the MDM Service Methodset Web service interface whose namespace is http://schemas.cordys.com/rcor/1.0. FireTrigger is an asynchronous Web service operation.

SOAP Request

<SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
        <FireTrigger xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/rcor/1.0">
            <event instanceid="" name="update">
                    <userdn>cn=mdmuser,cn=organizational users,o=mdm,cn=cordys,cn=defaultInst,o=mycompany.com</userdn>
                    <source>Items SQL Spoke Publisher</source>
                            <!-- key fields of the hub entity along with the values. -->
                        <!-- Name of the service group associated with hub data store. -->
                        <backend>Items MySQL Hub Publisher</backend>
                        <!-- Business object name of the hub entity. -->
                        <!-- The database operation performed on the hub data entity. Can be one of insert/update/delete. -->
                        <!-- The database operation performed on the spoke data entity. Can be one of insert/update/delete. -->
                        <!-- key fields of the spoke entity along with the values. -->
                        <!-- Name of the service group associated with spoke data store. -->
                        <backend>Items SQL Spoke Publisher</backend>
                        <!-- Business object name of the spoke entity. -->
                    <state name="Waiting"/>

Request Parameters




Accepted Input Values

XML specifying the data of the business object instance data Yes XML
Meta information about the business object instance Yes XML

event name

Name of the event to be raised



event instanceid GUID that uniquely identifies a business object instance from the state instance table No String
Has exactly one state element whose name attribute represents the state name in which the instance exists at the moment. No String

SOAP Response

<FireTriggerResponse xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/rcor/1.0"
    xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xfr="http://schemas.cordys.com/1.0/xforms/runtime">
Response Parameters




Instance ID of the state instance