pp108 : Annotation


This topic describes an Annotation.

An annotation is a means to provide additional information in the business process diagram. For example, you may want to display or print details about the business process model, such as modifications made to the process, modified date, and name of the business analyst. A text annotation is graphically represented as follows:

The following table describes the different types of annotation:
Table 1. Annotation Types



Graphical Representation

Text Annotation

The text annotation can be associated with a specific activity in a business process model. Text annotations can be connected to any activity in the business process model, but they do not affect the flow of the process.

Annotation with border and background color

This type of annotation consists a border with a background color, similar to post-it notes. It cannot be associated with an activity in a business process model.

Transparent annotation without border

This type of annotation is transparent and does not have a border. It cannot be associated with an activity in a business process model.

Related tasks

Setting the Properties of an Annotation